Jury member in the international DESIGN EDUCATES AWARDS 2019

Exhibited on BAU 2019 in Munich | Germany

Curator of the Award Ceremony DESIGN THAT EDUCATES AWARDS 2019 during the Architecture in Foyer event in Campus Solarlux in Melle | Germany

Participant in the conference BEAUTY IN THE ARCHITECTURE in the University of Applied Sciences Nysa | Poland

Jury member in the nationwide competition SZTUKA ARCHITEKTURY | Poland

Juror in the international Laka Competition ´18 ARCHITECTURE THAT REACTS

Speaker at the 4DESIGN DAYS in Katowice | Poland

Project exhibited during the Biennale Architettura 2018 in THE ROOM Palazzo Ca’ Zanardi | Venice Italy

Own work presentation in Szczecin | Poland

Own work presentation in Katowice | Poland

Own work presentation in Gdansk | Poland

Jury member in the nationwide competition INNOWACJE W ARCHITEKTURZE | Warsaw